
I Have The Watch – Book Review

WatchI really loved reading the book I Have the Watch: Becoming a Leader Worth Following by Jon Rennie and would very much recommend it for understanding the crux of Leadership. Using anecdotes and experiences from his personal life in leading multiple companies, Jon shares practical insights and nuggets on Leadership that each one of us can easily implement in our day-to-day lives. In fact, even if you are an Individual Contributor and not managing teams or Leading People, read the book for it explains the fundamentals on what it takes to be a People First Person, which in turn leads to an Outstanding Leader. Continue reading “I Have The Watch – Book Review”

Bunny Mania

Screen Shot 2017-05-19 at 5.05.01 PMIt all began with an email.

“Hello Sandeep, you probably don’t know me but I just joined Chennai Speakers Forum Toastmasters Club. I’ve been paired with you, we are co-editors and have to create a 75th meeting special newsletter. Btw, I’m ABC from so and so.”

I reverted “Hey, nice to hear from you. Can you write a few lines about yourself so that it breaks the ice. I’ll be back to Chennai next week and we can start working on it.Continue reading “Bunny Mania”

Thoughts on Baahubali 2

Baahubali_the_ConclusionSo I went to watch “Baahubali 2, The conclusion” yesterday. Before you groan and say “Nooooo..Enough of Baahubali. East, West, North and South – everyone seems to be talking of it only. Heck, some women are every sporting BB sarees!!”, let me tell you that I am not another BB fan. What’s more – I must be the only one to NOT have watched part 1, “Baahubali: The Beginning“. I relocated to the city of Pune 2 weeks ago and this was my first movie in Pune. The last movie I watched in theatre was – “M.S. Dhoni: The Untold story” at the famed Palazzo cinemas in Chennai. Continue reading “Thoughts on Baahubali 2”

The Love of my Life – Part 2

I sit in front of the pyre with waves of fire lashing out at my face punctuated by the crackling sound of bones. A zillion emotions surface and submerge. Anger. Desperation. Piercing Pain. Guilt. Tears. A million ifs and buts spring and disappear. I hold my head in hands and try hard to free myself of all these but in vain. I wish the flames of fire would come and engulf me in its arms, uniting me with her forever. Together in life. Together after life. How ironical life is! The face i so often kissed, the soft cheeks I so often cupped – were being burnt by the very same hands that held it once. How cruel can life be! Gentle hands caress my shoulders. A voice told me ‘This is the very place where Lord Sri Krishna attained Moksha. Do not grieve, Son. She lived her life in full being loved by one and all and living to see her great-grandson. Pray for her Moksha, Son. Pray for her liberation. Peace’.
Continue reading “The Love of my Life – Part 2”

The Love of my Life – Part 1

As I hurried across the hall to collect my bag and run to office, she waved her hands enthusiastically at me and smiled that smile. That smile, which would always brighten up my heart. That smile, which would fire up a zillion sparks of happiness within me. That smile which would pause me from running the rat race marathon. That smile which would conjure up Ganga and Yamuna of love flowing from my heart. That smile which radiated divinity and innocence. That smile which made me feel God had come to me in her form. I ran to hug her and my kiss meant for her cheek landed right on her lips – the kiss of love! Continue reading “The Love of my Life – Part 1”

Coffee with Writer’s Block

A chance conversation on the Writer’s Block aka Ribo:

One fine Sunday evening during a casual chit-chat with a writer buddy (say X), the conversation went like:

Me: Just cleaner?? 😥 after all those edits all you can say is just ‘CLEANER’. I’ll punch your nose, Brutus! 😉

X: Pardon my writer’s block. Couldn’t think of a better word at the time of typing 😂 Continue reading “Coffee with Writer’s Block”